Surface: The Self-Recharging Fuel Cell System

  • Step 1: Electrolysis

    It all begins with WATER! That’s It!

    Through a process called Electrolysis, Solar panels and an Electrolyzer work together to split the water molecules into their respective components:

    Oxygen and Hydrogen

  • Step 2: Storage

    The Hydrogen produced in the step before is stored in a composite pressure vessel.

    This storage tank will be custom-tailored to your needs and regulated under official parameters.

  • Step 3: Power

    The Hydrogen in Storage and the Oxygen in the air are used to fuel the Hydrogen Fuel Cell in order to yield 3 products:

    Electricity, Water, and Heat

    The water produced from the Hydrogen Fuel Cell is then collected and recycled back into the system to reinstate the process from Step 1.